My interview on Friday went well, and I feel really good about it. The manager was friendly and answered all of my questions, and seemed impressed with the detailed description of my past experience. The business itself seems really solid, and I look forward to another interview with their company. For privacy purposes, I've decided not to post the names of the companies with which I am interviewing on my job search; maybe at the end of the blog I'll put in a list of businesses that are really nice to their potential hires and have open information policies regarding their positions (in other words, answer all questions and don't seem to hide information from potential hires).
Today I checked the mail and my "Wordsmith for Hire" free business cards from Vistaprint were there! They actually look better in person than they did online, which I didn't think was possible. Now I can finally put my business card holder to proper use (I had been using it as a fancy wallet for when I had to dress up a bit more than usual). I can hand them out at job fairs along with my resume, or attach them to applications. I'm going to see how long it takes me to go through 250 of them, just to see how fast I can get some exposure.
Tomorrow morning I have an interview with another company for another management position. I'm hoping that this one goes just as well as the one on Friday did; I already have my outfit picked out and a copy of my resume ready. Things are looking up!
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