Sunday, October 23, 2011

Organization & Order

Today, I feel on top of things. I worked off a lot of stress in my kitchen, between baking, cooking and cleaning. Some days I do wonder if maybe I should open a bakery, but knowing how fickle customers are when it comes to food and such, I don't think I could risk it. Plus, if my stress-reliever became my job, what would I do for stress relief when running a business inevitably becomes stressful?

Being organized is important when looking for work. Keeping a schedule, making sure all the paperwork you need is in order for interviews, checking your wardrobe to make certain that your interview clothes are nicely maintained; it all matters.

When it comes to my home life, I don't think that complete orderliness is the way to go; life is messy and complicated, and sometimes having a little corner of the house that isn't tidy is a good thing. My bookshelves in my personal three bookcase library is a mess. No Dewey Decimal System, no fiction vs. non-fiction...I don't even have things stacked/shelved by genre with any real consistency, and it's kind of a fluke if all the books by the same author are together! However, despite the supposed chaos, you better believe that I know where every single book I own is on those shelves. Order without order, in a sense.

Organization and order are good things; especially since the time is getting shorter and shorter to the time when I either have a job and stay in Fort Collins, or I will have to move back to Michigan. If I fail to get a job here, I'm sure packing up everything I own won't be too much of a bother; it might take me two days at most. Erasing the pencil art on my walls is going to be interesting; that might take a while.

Dad always told me to think of my life as playing chess, not checkers. Plan for the worst, but look for a way to acquire the best outcome.  I'm looking, and I'm going to keep looking, even up to the last day I possibly can. I was never one of those players who would let their king be toppled easily when they saw defeat laying ominous ahead of them, and I don't plan on ever being one of those players, either. I just have to get my foot in the door.


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