Appearance vs. Confidence, which one matters more?
I am starting to wonder, honestly. I go in well dressed (hair tied back and up off the collar, minimal jewelry [stud earrings, no danglies, and a choker necklace, no watch, no bracelets], very light lip gloss [it's the most makeup I wear, honestly], dress shirt, black slacks, black leather shoes with dress socks, and I wear my black blazer if it is weather appropriate). I speak professionally and politely (never interrupting the person who is interviewing me). I always start and end the interview with a firm (but not hand-crippling) handshake. I smile and exude confidence in my abilities the entire time.
I am overweight, even though I've lost 35 lbs. in the past year or so (and I'm working on losing more). I wear glasses and quite frankly, I'm rather plain looking. Brown hair, hazel eyes that are far more on the brown side than the green. I'm worried that my outward appearance, despite my professional dress, is hindering my chances of getting a job.
So my question, dear readers, is when you go on an interview, what do you think is more important, exuding confidence in yourself or your overall appearance? I'm interested in your opinions; state your cases in the comments section below!
i'm thinking that both are important. no smelling, looking, or acting like a bum. however, the best trick is to know someone that works in the company to which you are applying.