Monday, May 28, 2012

Writing Means Researching

It is Memorial Day, and I would like to thank all the people in our armed forces for their service, past and present. I have several men who have served in the armed forces in my family, including my dad, and so I deeply respect those who are willing and able to join the fight to keep our country safe and free.

Now, since I have a free day, I decided to take some time and update the blog. First of all, I have successfully defended my thesis, which means I am going to get my Master of Science in Public Communications and Technology, and I'm officially done Summer Semester 2012!!! Huzzah!

Secondly, I have been super busy with Beet Street, writing for them and researching in order to do more articles. I've also had my responsibilities augmented so that I'm writing for Beet Street's AIR and their Streetmosphere programs. So far, I have done two blog posts for AIR, and as of this blog, one article for Streetmosphere, which is in the Coloradoan, though more will be published over the course of the coming month. I have a lot of things to look into prior to making blog posts, which is fun, and I'm discovering a lot about Colorado and the art scene here that I didn't know beforehand.

If you want to read the two blog posts I've done for Beet Street's AIR, you can go here:

If you want to read the article I've done for Beet Street's Streetmosphere, you can go here:

I do have to say it's rather neat to have a published bit of work in a newspaper; I don't get writer's credit because I am but a lowly unpaid intern, but I do get to add it to my portfolio of writing samples. I am hoping that all of this writing will help get me a really good job by the end of the summer, if not earlier.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Internship Acquired & Countdown to Degree

I am now an intern at Beet Street in Fort Collins, Colorado. I am primarily writing articles for newsletters and blogs for the Arts Incubator of the Rockies (AIR) initiative, but I get to help with other things in the office as well. I finished my first "week" on the job (I have a 10-15 hour work week) yesterday, and it feels fantastic to be useful again.

In other news, this coming Thursday I am defending my thesis. I have a Prezi just about finished and I have plans to make cookies as refreshments are generally served with the presentation. So hopefully this time next week I will have attained my Master of Science in Public Communications & Technology.

Things are definitely looking up!
